Dinkytown & Spring Jam

Frat row

Shift in Activities 

Feminism ends things like queen pageants for dances and homecoming. Feminism puts the female students on a more level ground with their male counterparts, and as the divides break down coeducation becomes more mixed. Dorms shifted from separated to where some dorms have girl’s and boy’s rooms next to each other.


Wild Dinkytown

As the ballroom and dances fell from the focus, dinky town and parties grew. Parties started to gain importance.

Frat parties, house, and apartment parties took over as the main socializing space that dances used to be. Frat row and Dinkytown are focal points for loud music and drinking. Police struggled to keep control of the ragers around Dinkytown, and so the wild nights took over as the place to go to socialize.

Spring Jam

Spring Jam used to be a block party that grew in Dinkytown. Spring Jam was wild, but eventually got turned into a big budgeted university event around 2002. The wild student mentality is what created the loud, binge drinking environment on Frat row and in Dinkytown. There were some fires and “riots” around 2006 that came from late night student adventures.

Dinkytown has shops, bars and food that keeps a lot of student activity moving through it.

The new parties play host to students who come to socialize with each other, for boys and girls to dance and for students to make their own fun.

spring jam

Medical Amnesty

medical amnesty law implemented to try and keep students safer in wild environment