Ballroom dancing, Coffman fun


Coffman Coke Date

Coffman Coke Date

Coke date from coffman fun day

Hillel Ball

Hillel ball in hotel

Dancing and Ballrooms were super popular.

The ballroom was a huge social event for the students from 1900 to 1945. Dance crazes spread through the school and would be a part of every event, even when there was no music.


The events of the era


There was the bonfire and the pep fest led students in dancing and energy before the game


The monthly Balls

The Ballrooms for hotels and Coffman were put to use by students eager to dance and have fun. Popular dances revolved around partners and dates, encouraging coed mingling at these huge social events.


The biggest event of the balls was the serviceman dance party- It was the social event of the season. The ball had its own royalty crowned and hosted many students to dance the bunny hop and snake, popular dances at the time. And was packed full of cadets and servicemen, for which the party was named 


Coffman was a social space

Coffman allowed students to go on group dates and enjoy Coffman fun day. Coffman fun day was an event that gave access to all the activities in Coffman for free. Drinks, pool, bowling among other things were free and kept Coffman busy with student activity. Coffman also hosted Christmas and holiday events.

But Coffman wasn’t the only place to host social events

Coffman activities

Servicemen Ball

servicemen ball

Serviceman crowing ball's queen 

Pioneer activities
Coed living succedes at pioneer

More happenings

40s happenings

more happenings

Dorm events

The Coed dorms, like Sanford, would host many events and sometimes balls to encourage students to interact. These events were organized by students, and their success was a good signal that coeducation at the university of Minnesota was working.